Saturday, September 26, 2009

scince hw 9/26

What science ideas did you learn?

This week we did a lot of stuff. One thing was how to decide if something was living or nonliving. This week during schol Mr. finley put things on our table. All these items he put on our table were in certain kinds of groups. These groups were...... living and non-living . Some of these items didnt belong in ethier group so for homework mr. finley wanted us to think and see if there were any other kind of groups we needed to add. Over hw i thought of the group dead cause some of the items were dead and then the next day in science i think Yolanda came up with the word dorment. I think dormant means.... temporarily inactive, or its not alive YET.
So now the catagories are living, non-living, dead, and dormant.

Another thing about this week was predictions and hypothesis, people like me were confused... a prediction is a statement or claim that a particular event will occur in the future in more certain terms than a forecast, and a hypothisis is a an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument.

How did you learn these ideas?

I learned these ideas by listening to my teacher during class. I wrote down the information that i needed and i asked people for help when i didnt get something. I looked at my notes to see if there was anything i can use.

Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?

It is important to know these things because you can use them in the future. Like for example: I want to be a pathololgist when i grow up, and maybe oneday my teacher or pprofessor will ask me make a list of living and non-living, and ill be like oh i remember back when i was in 7th grade and my science teachers mr. finley and mr. segan taught me that, and then i wont fail in science and get an A.

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