Sunday, December 20, 2009

december 19 2009

this really stinks because i have no notes in my journal from this week ill try my best to remember though.

this week we basically went through a review on what we need to know on the test. ( that ill probably fail) we had to make a essay i guess is what you can call it and we had to write about organelles and how it would be in a city.

this week was a review and we did an activity showing this.....

i really dont know what to write about so i guess ill just leave it to this

Monday, December 14, 2009

december 14, 2009

this week we started learning about DNA and RNA!! We learned about ADANINE, THYNINE, CYTOSINE, AND GUAYNINE. '





rna is like half of dna
the one on the right is dna and th left is rna. RNA has one backbone and Dna has two. Dna starts with a certain base its ATCG and RNA is AUGC. OH i forgot to mention that U STANDS FOR URACILE. URACILE IS ONLY IN RNA AND IT ONLY GOES WITH ADANINE.-

ATP= energy.

Monday, December 7, 2009


i have no clue what to right because i have no clue what week we are on but ill give it a try.

this week we learned about respiration, photosynthesis, and fermantation.

photosynthesis- the synthesis of complex organic materials, esp. carbohydrates, from carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts, using sunlight as the source of energy and with the aid of chlorophyll and associated pigments.

h2O + CO2 + LIGHT -------> C6 + H12 + O6 + 02


C6 + H12 + 06 + O2 ------> CO2 + H2O + ENERGY


SUGER --> C6 + H12 + O6



Saturday, November 21, 2009

i have no clue what week it is--- SCIENCE HW

this week we started on what an organism was. we had a disscussion in class, and my opinion of a organism was that an organism is a living thing.For example animal, plants, etc. and example of a non-organism is... minerals and water.

this is what i thought since we were talking about potato cells as our example!

an organism is ------> living
a potato is ----------> living
potato cells are in the ----> potato a potato is ----> living ------living means---> organism

Finally we came to a conclusion an organism one or more cells that can independantly sustain life.

after we finished our discusion the next day we learned about prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

a prokaryotic cell is a cell that has no nuclus, a ribosome but no membrane,e. coli and bacteria are examples of prokaryotic.

eukaryotic- is any organiasm that has a nuclus is complex, has membane organelle .
ex. plant cell -> potato
cheek cell -> animal cell

then later we started on working on photosynthesis we did a expirament with why plants need photosynthesis.
we learned about atoms, typles o0f sugers( like glucose and galacose ) we learned about alot of things this week.

Monday, November 16, 2009

i dont have to blog!!!!!!!!!!

I DON'T HAVE TO BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( fyi this was supposed to be for last weeks hw)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

science hw 11/5/09

this week we didn't do alot, because it was only a three day week, but.....

this week so far we have learned about organelles and their functions.
we made a chart and a Venn-diagram with 3 circles.

this week we also learned about paramecium's, a yesterday we tried to look for some paramecium in pond water. we looked under a microscope my partner was Yolanda.
i will add some more stuff tomorrow( Friday)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

10/31/09 hw

last week i was out :(

This week we started working on cheek cells( animal cells), and plant cells.
We magnified our cheek cells and talked about what kind of cells they were.
We answered questions like:
  1. what is the inside of your cheek cell made of?
  2. what do you think the other parts of your body are made of?
  3. where you able to detect and organelles in your cheek cell? What organelles might you have seen?
  4. How are these cells similar and different from the bacteria cells we have been studying?

For are skin cells we did an experiment, we took a sample of our cheek cell by rubbing a swab up and down the inside of our cheek. After that we took a slide and some blue dye stuff that i forget what its called, and we put a drop or two on the slide. Then we took the swab with the cheek cells on it and mixed it with the blue dye. We then took a cover slip and put it on top of the slide. We had a microscope set up on the table already and we then put the slide under the stage clips of the microscope. We saw our cheek cells it looked really cool, some of the cheek cells were folded and perfectly straight. You can see in the picture to the left. After that me and my partner Jillian did the same thing but just with water. In my opinion it was easier to see the cells with the blue dye. We did both procedures in high and low magnification.

I think the day after we talked about what kind of cell a cheek cell was, we found out it was a animal cell. People/humans are animals so it make sense.

For homework that day we had to research plant and animal cells. We also had to draw a picture, the picture to the right is an animal cell and on the left a plant cell.

After learning about animal and plant cells we did the same thing as the cheek cells but instead of cheek cells, we used a potato and grass we stared working on plant cells! the only different thing was using a potato and grass, also we added orange. So the same thing was blue dye, water, high and low magnification. The picture on the right is a potato cell i couldn't find a picture of a grass cell.

So basically we have been learning about cells this whole week!!
i learned this by paying attention in class and working with classmates, and i could use this in the future by knowing what it means when I'm asked.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

science homework

this week we learned about a few things. We learned about an organism.

Also This week we had to continue helping the nearby schools with finding out why there students have been getting sick. Me and my group were going to test the pan for bacteria but the pan was gone. But the pond water was still there to test so me and the group but a drop of water under a slide and and looked at the drop through a microscope. In that one drop we found a alot of things. We found a dead organism and a little tiny organism that was alive.

also this week for homework we had to do something on simulations. A simulation is a picture that like describes a situation or transformation a stage of something . It gives you an idea of something , its like a story up close.

  • How did you learn these ideas?

    I learned these ideas by doing my homework and listening during class

    • Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?

      its important to know these things because you can use them in the future.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

science HW 10/7/09

  • What science ideas did you learn?

    This week we learned about the structures of a bacteria and a virus.For homework we had to draw a picture and label the structure. We had to look at the qualities to see if the structure is living or non living.
    If it is living it would have to....

    -respirate ( breathe )
    -have food
    -have DNA or RNA
    -a cell wall
    -adapts to its environment

    Also in class we are helping a school to see why there students are becoming sick. We got blood samples, lake water samples, and chicken samples. towards the end of the week we kinda learned about a microscope, and how to make dry and wet mount slides.

  • How did you learn these ideas?

    i learned these by discussing with my group and learning from my homework, also listening to my teachers and other things.

  • Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there?)

    learning how a virus works is good to know same for bacteria. When i grow up i want to be a pathologist. A pathologist is a kind of doctor. Its good to know these things cause its 1 thing more you ll know more about.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

week 3 october 3

What science ideas did you learn??

In science we have been learning about the spread of disease. This week we have been doing this activity. In this activity we have been helping this school. We are trying to figure out why kids have been getting sick, and what they have.
We had also did an experiment on simulation and learned about macroscopic, microscopic, and sub-microscopic. We had also learned about dirty and clean surfaces and how you can experiment and see what's dirty and what's not.

How did you learn these ideas?

We learned these ideas by discussing and doing experiments. The experiment we did on the simulation, was for homework we went on this website and it would show us simulations.A simulation is an imitation or enactment, as of something anticipated or in testing. A simulation can show toy the object up close.

Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?

It is important to know these ideas because we could use them in real world situations. Like for example in the future someone can ask you about the spread of disease, and you would know the answer for that.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

scince hw 9/26

What science ideas did you learn?

This week we did a lot of stuff. One thing was how to decide if something was living or nonliving. This week during schol Mr. finley put things on our table. All these items he put on our table were in certain kinds of groups. These groups were...... living and non-living . Some of these items didnt belong in ethier group so for homework mr. finley wanted us to think and see if there were any other kind of groups we needed to add. Over hw i thought of the group dead cause some of the items were dead and then the next day in science i think Yolanda came up with the word dorment. I think dormant means.... temporarily inactive, or its not alive YET.
So now the catagories are living, non-living, dead, and dormant.

Another thing about this week was predictions and hypothesis, people like me were confused... a prediction is a statement or claim that a particular event will occur in the future in more certain terms than a forecast, and a hypothisis is a an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument.

How did you learn these ideas?

I learned these ideas by listening to my teacher during class. I wrote down the information that i needed and i asked people for help when i didnt get something. I looked at my notes to see if there was anything i can use.

Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?

It is important to know these things because you can use them in the future. Like for example: I want to be a pathololgist when i grow up, and maybe oneday my teacher or pprofessor will ask me make a list of living and non-living, and ill be like oh i remember back when i was in 7th grade and my science teachers mr. finley and mr. segan taught me that, and then i wont fail in science and get an A.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

science hw

-What science ideas did you learn?

This week i learned about living and non-living things. We had to list 10 living and non-living things for hw. We talked about many things, we learned about diseases and how we get sick, what are some causes of illnesses, how we can protect ourselves from the spread of disease, what is an epidemic, and how scientist track the spread of disease. I learned about parasites, bacteria, viruses. I learned alot.
-How did you learn these ideas?
I learned these ideas by going on the Internet and listening to my teacher during class. I wrote down the information that i needed and i asked people for help when i didn't get something. I looked at my notes to see if there was anything i can use.
-Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?
It is important to know these things because you can use them in the future. Like for example: I want to be a pathologist when i grow up. Maybe one day my teacher will ask me... Why do we (people) get sick? or maybe, How can we prevent ourselves from getting sick? and i will raise my hand because i know what the answer is! I learned it in science in 7th grade science!