This week we started working on cheek cells( animal cells), and plant cells.
We magnified our cheek cells and talked about what kind of cells they were.
We answered questions like:
- what is the inside of your cheek cell made of?
- what do you think the other parts of your body are made of?
- where you able to detect and organelles in your cheek cell? What organelles might you have seen?
- How are these cells similar and different from the bacteria cells we have been studying?
For are skin cells we did an experiment, we took a sample of our cheek cell by rubbing a swab up and down the inside of our cheek. After that we took a slide and some blue dye stuff that i forget what its ca

I think the day after we talked about what kind of cell a cheek cell was, we found out it was a animal cell. People/humans are animals so it make sense.
For homework that day we had to research plant and animal cells. We also had to draw a picture, the picture to the right is an animal cell and on the left a plant cell.

After learning about animal and plant cells we did the same thing as the cheek cells but instead of cheek cells, we used a potato and grass we stared working on plant cells! the only different thing was using a potato and grass, also we added orange. So the same thing was blue dye, water, high and low magnification. The picture on the right is a potato cell i couldn't find a picture of a grass cell.

So basically we have been learning about cells this whole week!!
i learned this by paying attention in class and working with classmates, and i could use this in the future by knowing what it means when I'm asked.